5 Common Culprits That Make You Feel Less Sexy lifestyle Mar 06, 2022

How’s your sex life? Hot? Active? Good enough? What sex life?  If your answer is the last option, it’s time to figure out why.  A more important question has to be – what’s your level of desire? Do you want to do the deed?

A lot of women, especially the...

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6 Best Tips to Beat the Battle of the Bulge lifestyle nutrition Feb 28, 2022

A common trouble spot for women is belly fat. It seems that whatever we eat goes straight to the stomach. For some women, an expanding waistline is par for the course after menopause, when body fat tends to shift to the abdomen.

Although an increase in belly fat does make it hard to zip up...

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6 Easy Ways to Boost your Immunity lifestyle nutrition Feb 22, 2022

Now more than ever, it’s important to practice health guidelines and stay well. Rather than be caught unprepared, how about boosting your immune system before those nasty viruses enter your home or workplace. 

Let’s take a look at our top ways to avoid any illness.

6 Easy Ways to...

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How to Dine Out Without Gaining Weight lifestyle nutrition Feb 01, 2022

Dining out is a part of our daily lifestyle. Americans eat out nearly one out of every four meals and snacks. 

This can create a challenge if you are trying to maintain your weight.  Unlike eating at home, the ability to control the type of ingredients or methods used in preparing, as...

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How to Successfully Take a Break from Tech lifestyle Jan 29, 2022

Are you addicted to your smartphone? Do you check your Instagram feed every few minutes? Are your clients emailing you 24/7?

It’s time to unplug!

However, did you know that being plugged in can be bad for your heart, your sleep, your psyche, and your mood?

Being accessible all of the time...

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Why You Need Meditation in Your Life lifestyle Nov 29, 2021

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Close your mind. Focus on your mantra. Breathe in. Breathe out.


You can meditate for as little as one minute or up to an hour or more. Depends on you and the time you feel you can devote to it. There’s no right or wrong...

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Pre-Workout Fuel to Get The Most Out of Gym Time appetizers/snacks lifestyle nutrition Nov 08, 2021

Whether you work out first thing in the morning or sometime later in the day, what you eat before your workout can have a major impact on your performance.


Until a few years ago, the overwhelming consensus among sports nutritionists and...

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What We Eat in a Day as Registered Dietitian Nutritionists lifestyle nutrition Sep 30, 2021

A lot of people assume that all Nutritionists and Dietitians eat “perfect” diets all the time – that we’re only eating fruits and veggies and never eating anything fried or sweet. While it’s unrealistic to eat “perfectly” (and please define what a perfect...

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11 Ways to Sneak in (Fun) Exercise lifestyle workouts Sep 24, 2021

Did you know that a major part of achieving good health, mental clarity, stress reduction, better sleep, a smaller waist, and longevity is through activity? This is especially true with exercise. Sounds like a win-win to us.

Not everyone loves to exercise, especially when that brings up...

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Did You Know Inflammation is Making You Sick? lifestyle Aug 31, 2021

What do obesity, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, stroke, cancer, and irritable bowel disease have in common? Scientists have linked all of these diseases (yes, obesity is considered a disease) and many more to chronic inflammation. And it’s inflammation that’s making...

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How to Know the Signs of Dehydration and Prevent It lifestyle nutrition Jul 14, 2021

It’s summer, and the temperature outside is more or less regularly over 90 degrees. Prime time for dehydration. If where you live also happens to be humid, then you’ve just moved into the dehydration fast lane. And for all of you who exercise outdoors – biking,...

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The Inā€™s and Outā€™s of Celiac Disease gluten-free lifestyle nutrition May 27, 2021

May is National Celiac Awareness Month. Approximately one in 133 people have Celiac Disease, an autoimmune condition in which the ingestion of gluten causes damage to the lining of the small intestines. Such damage causes malabsorption of nutrients as well as gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Symptoms...

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